In-depth research on hearing health

Our clinical experts, Adj. Prof. Saku Sinkkonen and Ph.D. Ville Sivonen possesses over 15 years of experience in clinical practice and academic research in the field of Otology and Audiology.

In-depth research on hearing health

Our clinical experts, Adj. Prof. Saku Sinkkonen and Ph.D. Ville Sivonen possesses over 15 years of experience in clinical practice and academic research in the field of Otology and Audiology.

Publications on hearing health

Vnencak, M., Huttunen, E., Aarnisalo, A.A., Jero, J., Liukkonen, K. and Sinkkonen, S.T., 2021. Evaluation of pure-tone audiometric protocols in vestibular schwannoma screening. Journal of Otology, 16(3), pp.138-143.

Mustonen, T., Sivonen, V., Atula, S., Kiuru-Enari, S. and Sinkkonen, S.T., 2021. Hearing problems in patients with hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis. Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 16, pp.1-8.

Sivonen, V., Sinkkonen, S.T., Willberg, T., Lamminmäki, S., Jääskelä-Saari, H., Aarnisalo, A.A. and Dietz, A., 2021. Improvements in hearing and in quality of life after sequential bilateral cochlear implantation in a consecutive sample of adult patients with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(11), p.2394.

Kuusinen, A., Saariniemi, E., Sivonen, V., Dietz, A., Aarnisalo, A.A. and Lokki, T., 2021. An exploratory investigation of speech recognition thresholds in noise with auralisations of two reverberant rooms. International Journal of Audiology, 60(3), pp.210-219.

Willberg, T., Sivonen, V., Linder, P. and Dietz, A., 2021. Comparing the speech perception of cochlear implant users with three different Finnish Speech Intelligibility Tests in noise. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(16), p.3666.

Tötterman, M., Jukarainen, S., Sinkkonen, S.T. and Klockars, T., 2020. A comparison of four digital otoscopes in a teleconsultation setting. The Laryngoscope, 130(6), pp.1572-1576.

Willberg, T., Kärtevä, K., Zokoll, M., Buschermöhle, M., Sivonen, V., Aarnisalo, A., Löppönen, H., Kollmeier, B. and Dietz, A., 2020. The Finnish simplified matrix sentence test for the assessment of speech intelligibility in the elderly. International journal of audiology, 59(10), pp.763-771.

Willberg, T., Sivonen, V., Hurme, S., Aarnisalo, A.A., Löppönen, H. and Dietz, A., 2020. The long-term learning effect related to the repeated use of the Finnish matrix sentence test and the Finnish digit triplet test. International Journal of Audiology, 59(10), pp.753-762.

Dietz, A., Willberg, T., Sivonen, V. and Aarnisalo, A.A., 2018. Sisäkorvaistute-kokeellisesta hoidosta arkipäivän kuntoutukseksi. Suomen lääkärilehti.

Sivonen, V., Willberg, T., Sinkkonen, S.T., Aarnisalo, A.A. and Dietz, A., 2017. Suomenkielinen puheaudiometria ja uudet hälypuhetestit. Suomen lääkärilehti.

Atula, S., Sinkkonen, S.T., Saat, R., Sairanen, T. and Atula, T., 2016. Association of multiple sclerosis and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Multiple Sclerosis Journal–Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 2, p.2055217316652155.

Willberg, T., Buschermöhle, M., Sivonen, V., Aarnisalo, A.A., Löppönen, H., Kollmeier, B. and Dietz, A., 2016. The development and evaluation of the Finnish digit triplet test. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 136(10), pp.1035-1040.